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Främjar ledfunktionen vid artros

Artikrill Dol är ett kosttillskott rikt på bl a Omega-3 fettsyror från fiskolja som främjar ledfunktionen vid artros.

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Fish oil 96 mg (EPA 33.6 mg, DHA 24 mg)
Krill oil 42 mg

A diet containing high levels of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and omega 3 fatty acids total improves the ability to stand, walk, run and play in dogs and cats with OA

DL-methionine 6 mg

For the production of joint cartilage the element sulfur is essential, of which methionine is rich.

Manganese 4 mg

Manganese contributes to the formation of connective tissues and the protection of cells against joint oxidative stress.

Glucosamine 113.2 mg
Chondroitin sulphate 120 mg

Chondroprotectors work by protecting cartilage from degeneration.

Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are commonly used in combination as they believes they have a synergistic effect due to the fact that they have different mechanisms of action.

White willow extract 15 mg

The anti-nociceptive activity of white willow is attributed to its ability to block generation of the peripheral pain impulse through the inhibition of the synthesis of pain mediators.

Verbascum 15 mg

The antinociceptive effects of verbascoside have been attributed to a suppression of activation of microglia and its antioxidant properties.

Vitamin E 60 mg

Vitamin E is able to strengthen the body’s natural defenses in counteracting the Joint oxidative stress during osteoarthritis.

Sammansättning: fiskolja (35% EPA-25% DHA) 20,9%, gelatin (nötkreatur), glukosamin (kitosamin) från fermentering 17,4%, kondroitinsulfat 11,5%, glycerol, krillolja 2,4%, produkter erhållna från bearbetning av örter (Verbascum thapsus bladpulver) 1,6%, biprodukter från biodling (bivax).

Analytiska beståndsdelar: Analytiska beståndsdelar: råprotein 14,68%, råfiber 0,05%, råfett 28,45% (varav totalt omega-3-fettsyror 125,7 g/kg, totalt EPA 73,3 g/kg), råaska 0,1%.

Tillsatser: Näringstillsatser: Vitaminer: 3a700 vitamin E 49 342mg/kg. Organoleptiska tillsatser: botaniskt definierade naturprodukter: extrakt av vit pil (Salix alba L.) 32 894mg/kg, 2b163-ex gurkmeja (Curcuma longa L.) extrakt 19.736 mg/kg. Aromämnen: blandning av aromämnen. Teknologiska tillsatser: 1c322i lecitiner, E551b kolloidal kiseldioxid.



Johnson KA, Lee AH, Swanson KS. Nutrition and nutraceuticals in the changing management of osteoarthritis for dogs and cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2020;256(12):1335-1341. doi:10.2460/javma.256.12.1335


Barrouin-Melo SM, Anturaniemi J, Sankari S, et al. Evaluating oxidative stress, serological- and haematological status of dogs suffering from osteoarthritis after supplementing their diet with fish or corn oil. Lipids Health Dis. 2016;15(1):139. Published 2016 Aug 26. doi:10.1186/s12944-016-0304-6